🌿🐣 Mumma bird nest 🐣🌿

We are very lucky to have so many different birdies visiting our garden from cockatoos, galahs, butcher birds, honeyeaters, wattle birds, rainbow lorikeets, rosellas, carrawongs and kookaburras! 🏑

While we are all homebound we would love to see or hear about what birds visit your gardens, pop a photo of your birdie visitors or tell us about them below πŸ‘‡

We had some messy play today and made a mumma bird and her nest! 🐀😍

What you need:
🐣 Sticks
🐣 Clay or salt dough (see our previous easy saltdough recipe)
🐣 Rocks or pebbles
🐣 Small cone shell for her nose (you could use a stick or rock)
🐣 Craft glue and Glue gun
🐣 Little round piece of cardboard for the best base

How to:
🐣 Roll a Mumma bird shape out of your dough and stick your shell/rock/stick in for her beak and leave to dry (I suggest not kissing Mumma bird until she's completely dry - Lily ended up with clay all over her mouth because she didn't want to stop kissing Mumma bird 🀣😘)
🐣 Use your small piece of cardboard to create the base of your nest and using your glue gun stack your sticks into a square shape and you can cut off the excess bits of the stick later to create a more rounded bird nest shape
🐣 Cover your finished bird's nest in a bit of gloopy glue and cover in dirt from the garden (this was lilys favourite part πŸ’)

And that's it just add your pebbles for your birdie eggs and you have a sweet little bird nest ❀️🌿

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